844 research outputs found

    The simultaneity of complementary conditions:re-integrating and balancing analogue and digital matter(s) in basic architectural education

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    The actual, globally established, general digital procedures in basic architectural education,producing well-behaved, seemingly attractive up-to-date projects, spaces and first general-researchon all scale levels, apparently present a certain growing amount of deficiencies. These limitations surface only gradually, as the state of things on overall extents is generally deemed satisfactory. Some skills, such as “old-fashioned” analogue drawing are gradually eased-out ofundergraduate curricula and overall modus-operandi, due to their apparent slow inefficiencies in regard to various digital media’s rapid readiness, malleability and unproblematic, quotidian availabilities. While this state of things is understandable, it nevertheless presents a definite challenge. The challenge of questioning how the assessment of conditions and especially their representation,is conducted, prior to contextual architectural action(s) of any kind

    The simultaneity of complementary conditions: Re-integrating and balancing analogue and digital matter(s) in basic architectural education

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    The actual, globally established, general digital procedures in basic architectural education, producing well-behaved, seemingly attractive up-to-date projects, spaces and first general-research on all scale levels, apparently present a certain growing amount of deficiencies. These limitations surface only gradually, as the state of things on overall extents is generally deemed satisfactory. Some skills, such as "old-fashioned” analogue drawing are gradually eased-out of undergraduate curricula and overall modus-operandi, due to their apparent slow inefficiencies in regard to various digital media's rapid readiness, malleability and unproblematic, quotidian availabilities. While this state of things is understandable, it nevertheless presents a definite challenge. The challenge of questioning how the assessment of conditions and especially their representation, is conducted, prior to contextual architectural action(s) of any kind. paper As the shift from analogue to digital is almost consumed, the loss of the inherent qualities of analogue procedures in grounding the creative, perceptive act in spheres of seemingly primitive analogies might be re-assessed. This re-assessment must re-balance the views on analogue and digital general-procedures on practical, cognitional and theoretical levels. As both analogue and digital procedures in architectural education are fairly grounded in the respective historical conditions of their emergence and subsequent practise, any "novel” or oblique approaches will lead to certain controversies on how the actual course of action(s) might be inserted in a given curriculum, reflectively, as methodology. The paper will, in broader terms, assess present curricular conditions, delineate potentials and pitfalls in actual media/reality cognisance, and then proceed to describing seemingly simple proposals for re-assessments in both analogue and digital procedure approaches. These are grounded in both old-hat "common-sense” and an acute awareness of today's digital media permeability in both virtual and real realms. The prime focus is devised on the cognisance of the pixelated frame condition, pervading all "seeing” and "involvement” in present daily life. The standardised frame(s) and their conscious integration – or parallel involvement with – analogue estimates, are subjected to simple constraints. The application of constraints, follow simple rules, reminiscent of OuLiPo devised stratagems. The constraints are subjected in both analogue grounded exercises and through various, easily available digital media, to produce a potential renewed, acute awareness in the assessment of reality conditions and as stepping stones onto more conscious, basic creative acts. The resulting amalgam of analogue and digital blend(s) remains open to flexible readjustments, and to further fine-tuning according to relevant contextual conditions. The paper will thus primarily focus on the practical implications of certain re-assessment and oblique renewed procedures, introduced in undergraduate architectural education focusing on analogue drawing skills-formation courses and their practical repercussions, combined with – equally – re-evaluated prime digital approaches in parallel or subsequent design-studio work(s). The presentation of the paper will be accompanied by various case-study examples from 1st and 2nd year undergraduate works (2005-07) interpreting and visualising the used MO and the results, thus presenting the case for "The simultaneity of complementary conditions”

    Real World Vehicle Emission Factors for Black Carbon Derived from Longterm In-Situ Measurements and Inverse Modelling

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    Black carbon (BC) is one of the most harmful substances within traffic emissions, contributing considerably to urban pollution. Nevertheless, it is not explicitly regulated and the official laboratory derived emission factors are barely consistent with real world emissions. However, realistic emission factors (EFs) are crucial for emission, exposure, and climate modelling. A unique dataset of 10 years (2009–2018) of roadside and background measurements of equivalent black carbon (eBC) concentration made it possible to estimate real world traffic EFs and observe their change over time. The pollutant dispersion was modelled using the Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM). The EFs for eBC are derived for this specific measurement site in a narrow but densely trafficked street canyon in Leipzig, Germany. The local conditions and fleet composition can be considered as typical for an inner-city traffic scenario in a Western European city. The fleet is composed of 22% diesel and 77% petrol cars in the passenger car segment, with an unknown proportion of direct injection engines. For the mixed fleet the eBC EF was found to be 48 mg km−1 in the long-term average. Accelerated by the introduction of a low emission zone, the EFs decreased over the available time period from around 70 mg km−1 to 30 – 40 mg km−1 . Segregation into light (3.5 t) vehicles resulted in slightly lower estimates for the light vehicles than for the mixed fleet, and one order of magnitude higher values for the heavy vehicles. The found values are considerably higher than comparable emission standards for particulate matter and even the calculations of the Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport (HBEFA), which is often used as emission model input. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Harmonine, a defence compound from the harlequin ladybird, inhibits mycobacterial growth and demonstrates multi-stage antimalarial activity

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    The harlequin ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis has been introduced in many countries as a biological control agent, but has become an invasive species threatening the biodiversity of native ladybirds. Its invasive success has been attributed to its vigorous resistance against diverse pathogens. This study demonstrates that harmonine ((17R,9Z)-1,17-diaminooctadec-9-ene), which is present in H. axyridis haemolymph, displays broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity that includes human pathogens. Antibacterial activity is most pronounced against fast-growing mycobacteria and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and the growth of both chloroquine-sensitive and -resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains is inhibited. Harmonine displays gametocytocidal activity, and inhibits the exflagellation of microgametocytes and zygote formation. In an Anopheles stephensi mosquito feeding model, harmonine displays transmission-blocking activity

    Ein Unterrichtskonzept zum Auftrieb im Sachunterricht

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    Das Schwimmen eines Körpers im Wasser ist ein beliebtes Thema im Sachunterricht der Grundschule. WĂ€hrend in der Sekundarstufe I der Auftrieb mit dem Wasserdruck erklĂ€rt wird, daraus das Archimedische Prinzip abgeleitet wird und schließlich Folgerungen fĂŒr die Dichte abgeleitet werden, wird in den Unterrichtskonzeptionen fĂŒr den Sachunterricht vorwiegend ĂŒber die VerdrĂ€ngung argumentiert. Da dieses Prinzip letztlich nichts erklĂ€rt, wurde eine Unterrichtskonzeption erarbeitet und im Sachunterricht getestet, bei der das Schwimmen, Schweben und Sinken mit den KrĂ€ften erklĂ€rt wird, die das Wasser durch den von der Tiefe abhĂ€ngigen Wasserdruck ausĂŒbt. Eine ausfĂŒhrliche Beschreibung sowie Unterrichtsmaterialien sind auf www.supra-lernplattform.de erschienen

    Ein Unterrichtskonzept zum Auftrieb im Sachunterricht

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    Das Schwimmen eines Körpers im Wasser ist ein beliebtes Thema im Sachunterricht der Grundschule. WĂ€hrend in der Sekundarstufe I der Auftrieb mit dem Wasserdruck erklĂ€rt wird, daraus das Archimedische Prinzip abgeleitet wird und schließlich Folgerungen fĂŒr die Dichte abgeleitet werden, wird in den Unterrichtskonzeptionen fĂŒr den Sachunterricht vorwiegend ĂŒber die VerdrĂ€ngung argumentiert. Da dieses Prinzip letztlich nichts erklĂ€rt, wurde eine Unterrichtskonzeption erarbeitet und im Sachunterricht getestet, bei der das Schwimmen, Schweben und Sinken mit den KrĂ€ften erklĂ€rt wird, die das Wasser durch den von der Tiefe abhĂ€ngigen Wasserdruck ausĂŒbt. Eine ausfĂŒhrliche Beschreibung sowie Unterrichtsmaterialien sind auf www.supra-lernplattform.de erschienen

    LehrerhandbĂŒcher zur zweidimensional-dynamischen Mechanik

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    In den Jahren 2008 bis 2010 wurde das umfangreiche Forschungsprojekt „Zweidimensional-dynamische EinfĂŒhrung in die Mechanik“ in der Jahrgangsstufe 7 durchgefĂŒhrt. Dieses Konzept wurde dann erweitert und dazu mittlerweile zwei LehrerhandbĂŒcher erstellt (Mechanik I: 2011, Mechanik II: 2013), wofĂŒr viele verschiedene Vorarbeiten aufgegriffen wurden. Diese beiden HandbĂŒcher decken in etwa die gesamte Mechanik der Sekundarstufe I bis Jahrgangsstufe 10 ab und enthalten sehr umfangreiche Unterrichtsmaterialien. Da sie lehrplanunabhĂ€ngig sein sollen, bieten sie vieles zur Auswahl an. U.a. gibt es zahlreiche Videos mit diversen Einblendungen wie z.B. Geschwindigkeitspfeile. Die didaktischen Entscheidungen des erweiterten Konzeptes werden vorgestellt
